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Tile line cutting machine control system improvement and optimization
обновление: 2013-02-18    Xит: 681    Cудя по : Nuoda
Corrugated cardboard crosscut machine computer control system for motion control technology in the field of" shearing" an application example, has its special complexity, had depended on the set of imports, the price is expensive, not seasonable service.
In recent years, with the vigorous development of the domestic packaging industry, users of the quality of corrugated paperboard and specifications have higher requirements and needs, so the crosscut machine computer control system put forward some more strict technical indicators, such as cutting precision, shear rate, shear range, reliability, convenient operation and so on.
With the development of modern control technology especially the development of power electronics technology make a spurt of progress, make the crosscut machine computer control system the solution becomes" simple", currently has the capability to develop automation company is not little also, basically broke the past long-term dependence on imports of the situation.
Corrugated cardboard crosscut machine load is due to particularity of the computer control system in the control structure, equipment selection, control algorithms and complexity, although the same " shear" applications, but the" solution" of the difference will bring considerable" ratio of performance to price differences". In this paper, according to the load characteristics of the current market popular variety of solutions, and put forward the " minimum energy consumption optimization solutions .".
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